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Lacey Glover

Always learning!

Updated: Apr 4

What a wild weekend we had in Kansas, weather wise! I hope this finds y’all on the other side of the yard clean up, with power and minimal damage. The storm hit a lot quicker than I anticipated, so I spent a little extra quality time at the nail salon until it was safe to navigate my way home, just to realize the power was out. I am not complaining as it could have been much worse. Some of my neighbors were not as lucky, they had damage to their cars and houses caused by falling trees and/or large limbs. This past weekend served as a great reminder to make sure your phones are charged, to make sure you have a key to the new lock on your front door and to check on your friends and family.

I am a curious person by nature. I want to know the how and why, so that I can make it make sense in my mind. This has kept alive my love for reading and learning something new or just being able to better understand a subject. My current reading includes an amazing book by Sara Gottfried, MD, titled “Women, Food, and Hormones.” This book is filled with amazing information about the nutritional needs of women and how the food we consume affects our hormones. I am not finished reading it yet, but she talks about why diets that usually work great for men may not have the same results when tried by women. She doesn’t stop there! She recommends a plan and has seen many of her patients succeed on this plan. The results are balanced hormones, weight loss, and an increase in energy. Sign me up, right!

I am working on being able to incorporate this into my wellness coaching classes to help women that are struggling to control the stresses of life. The stress of changing life phases, changing hormones, and trying to juggle work, home, kids, and health. This is not an exhaustive list of the stress that we deal with daily. I also recognize that men have stress in their lives and can struggle with managing it, but I do not feel best qualified to coach them, considering I am a woman and, as mentioned before, stress, diet, and exercise affect men and women differently.

CortiStop is an essential oil supplement from Young Living. According to the YL website, “CortiStop is designed to address the way women’s bodies react to the cortisol produced when under stress; by helping the body maintain its natural balance and harmony and supporting the glandular systems of women with a combination of pregnenolone, herbs, and essential oils.”  If you are interested in experiencing this supplement or any of Young Living’s essential oils/products, contact me to schedule a time to meet.

Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!

Have a blessed week y’all ~ Lacey


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