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Lacey Glover

Different ways to meditate, so many options!

Updated: Apr 4

It is almost time for one of my favorite holidays – the 4th of July! I have spent many 4th of July’s at rodeos, in the pool, at the lake and attending cookouts. What are some of your favorite things about Independence Day? Maybe you are in a season of your life where you are creating new traditions, tell me about them! As we finish our discussion about all things meditation, I want to share a few of the many different meditation options.

My research this week led me back to, where I discovered some interesting meditation methods.

  1. Walking meditation – This is a great option for anyone who struggles to sit still in silence. Walking while meditating is a great way to sneak in some exercise into your meditation, look at you multitasking! You can listen to music, a mantra or just enjoy nature.

  2. Mantra meditation – This combines meditation with the benefits of positive affirmations. This is achieved by repeating a single word or sound to achieve a meditative state. This is a simple technique and great for beginners to try.

  3. Mindfulness in daily life – I will be the first to admit that this is my goal, but I struggle to achieve this sometimes. My schedule is crazy most days and it is easy to get wrapped up in going from one task to the next, instead of being present and focused on the moment.

  4. Chocolate meditation – Sign me up right now! Grab a piece of chocolate (dark, for extra benefits), relax, smell, taste, and focus. Focus is the key to this, not the chocolate. You can even use different savory foods as a substitute for chocolate if you want.

I cannot wait to try these new meditation techniques and hear feedback about your experience and how it has helped you in your self-care journey!

This week’s Young Living product to highlight is the insect repellant. This is a summer must-have! I have never used a “bug” repellant that has worked this well, not to mention that smells this good. This is just one more way to remove synthetic toxins from your daily routine for a healthier lifestyle.

Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!

Have a blessed week ~ Lacey


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