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Lacey Glover

Life is tough, how do you stay in the fight?

Updated: Apr 4, 2024

This post is not going to a gripe fest or pity party. Instead let’s talk about how to succeed in life without becoming burnt out or staying burnt out. Do you have a secret sauce recipe to keep grinding, while not going crazy? What about keeping your joy during stress and not going down the rabbit hole of how tough life can seem right now? I don’t have all the answers, but I would like to think that I utilize coping techniques that help me to stay grounded.

The iTeracare Wand has become a game changer for me. I purchased this on a whim, figuring that the worst-case scenario was I had an expensive hair dryer. I have used this regularly after my workouts and the result is no soreness. I mean, how cool is that? I also have found it to provide a sense of calmness for myself and when I use it on my massage clients. Speaking of my massage clients, it heats the muscle quicker and deeper than I can manually. This saves wear and tear on my body and time in the massage session. My clients have also been able to relax more deeply and recover quicker after sessions. I even have clients that have purchased a wand for at-home use on a daily or as needed basis. It is all about self-care and feeling your best. Contact me for more information about the iTeracare Wand or click here for my affiliate link to order yours today.

I try to maintain a positive attitude and outlook on life, but there are times when I just need to vent and get it all out. I have a great support system that I know I can call to have a vent session or run ideas by, to figure out a possible solution. Sometimes acknowledging a problem verbally makes it not as scary and it allows others to provide wisdom from their own experience with the same situation or one similar.  It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child and I would add that a village is vital for regular support as we try to navigate our way through life. A gratitude journal is a great tool to help keep a positive mindset. A positive mindset brings several benefits, such as more confidence, improved sleep, and reduced stress!

I already alluded to practicing regular self-care, but what does that actually mean and why is it important? According to the dictionary, self-care is defined as “the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” What does this look like? It is different for everyone, but for me this consists of making sure I go to my exercise classes regularly, getting regular massage (because my job is physically demanding, getting regular chiropractic adjustments, listening to my body when it says to take it easy or slow down on my schedule, making sure my body is hydrated, and fueled with real food.

Grounding essential oil from Young Living is a blend designed to help create an environment to promote self-awareness and encourage a feeling of stability and calm. I love using this oil to help me feel more connected to the present moment and not so scatterbrained. If you are interested in experiencing this blend or any of Young Living’s essential oils, contact me to schedule a time to meet. I welcome the opportunity to coach you in your wellness journey by exploring how YL products can enhance this journey!

Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!

Have a blessed week y’all ~ Lacey


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