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Lacey Glover

What is meditation?

Updated: Apr 4

It has been a couple weeks since I have posted. I have been focusing on self-care and not allowing myself to be spread too thin. Since I am naturally an overachiever, I tend to put unnecessary pressure and stress on myself to always perform at the highest level and can push off sleep, rest, and self-care. Life is a journey and not a destination, I have found myself repeating this phrase several times over the past month. I am striving to better balance the way I spend my time each day, making sure to allow relaxing time with friends, sneak in a little exercise and plan adventures to experience new places and activities. This month we will be looking at the art of meditation and the importance of at least trying it, as it can help with clarity and focus and be a way to calm your mind.

After looking at many resources, I discovered that meditation has many definitions. Most sourced agree that meditation is a practice to promote calmness, relaxation, and awareness. I really like the way said that meditation “is about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective, not about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person.” That takes away the pressure of learning something new! It allows you to experience meditation instead of worrying about if you measure up to the task. Did you catch that? Meditation is an experience, not a test that will be graded. The only cost involved in trying meditation is your time, but the reward is totally worth it.

Meditation is a skill. The only way to learn and grow a skill is to practice it. Meditation maybe a brand-new concept or practice to you and can be intimidating. Trust me, I was in that exact spot about 4 years ago. I knew I needed to learn to relax and be calm, but felt I needed help and guidance getting started. I downloaded the calm app and found it very helpful. I felt like a fish out of water the first meditation session, but it became easier with time. Today, it is much less uncomfortable. It is still challenging for me to quiet my mind and just be, but still very helpful when I make meditation a priority. When beginning your meditation journey, give yourself grace and start with small goals, maybe 5 minutes or even 3 minutes, progressing from there when you are comfortable. I am not a meditation expert by any stretch of the imagination but have found helpful resources through research and by utilizing my network.

I will be highlighting a Young Living product every week, as it applies to the blog and/or my life. I find diffusing Frankincense or Peace & Calming promotes a deeper sense of connection during my meditation sessions. Contact me with any questions regarding Young Living essential oils and products.  

Whether this is your first time reading my blog, or you are a loyal subscriber, Thank you! I am so glad you tuned in this week! Do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from this blog? Tell them to subscribe!

Have a blessed week ~ Lacey


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